Wednesday 30 May 2012


Once I have completed my degree I want to get some design experience, whether this is an internship or work placement. After 6 months or so I feel I will be qualified enough for someone to hire me and if this goes well I will be able to save up enough money to get my visa and move to Canada. I want to stay in the North of England for a while yet as I feel this is the best place to stay and save money and especially in Manchester there is so much opportunity. This does restrict me for big companies in London but if I was to move to London, I don’t think I would ever have enough money to travel. Even though I have some freelance work coming from London I do not feel moving there is for me.

Once I move to Canada I realise I may not get a job straight away and would like to travel for 6 months so I will need to save whilst I am living in the UK. I have applied for internships and will apply for more as I will have time on my hands and hopefully something will come of it and I am going to keep doing competitions to get my portfolio the best I can.

Media Executive Internship

Today I applied for that internship as I now have a portfolio and a CV and how amazing will it be if I walk out of here and into a 12 month paid internship. The expiry date is tomorrow so I am just in the nick of time 

New Portfolio

I changed my portfolio slightly as I thought it was too cluttered and also I had too many pieces. So I took out some of the pages I didnt think were very strong as I dont want to give away all of my work. The layout is quite creative yet still structured so I dont think it is too crowded now.

Tuesday 29 May 2012



I went on this site and there are alot of internships going in manchester, some paid and some not. I dont mind if I am paid or not but if it is not, I will have to work less as I will need another job to pay the rent. I found 1 intern that was 1 day a week for 6 month. I know I cant be fussy but I dont want to be doing this as it is too stretched out. I would rather do 2 full weeks.

Monday 28 May 2012

Eskimo Creative

I have started applying for internships in and around Manchester. Alot of the deadlines have gone but I am still going to send them my CV and portfolio and hope for the best. This perticular place looks right up my street ant Eskimo Creative...

Hello… we’re Eskimo Creative and we’re on the hunt for our next design intern.

If you’re a design graduate who’s keen, inquisitive, open, bright minded, appreciative, and not afraid to explore new avenues of working, thinking and creating. Have a passion for design with a hunger for nurturing ideas and creativity then we’re a perfect match.

This is an opportunity to learn, develop and nurture your skills through collaborative working and exposure to a broad range of projects. It’s all about being positive, analytical and a real stickler for the details, shining optimism, spirit and a willingness to question and debate.

If you’re in tune with our work ethic or think you could be, please contact us we’d love to meet you.

Email us…

Subject line: Design Internship 2012
Send: us:
1. Covering email – why you + why us??
2. CV?
3. Design portfolio & web links

Timing: 3 months – full time?
Location: Manchester City Centre?
Salary: This is a paid internship?
Deadline: Friday 18th May
Start date: Monday 4th June

Thursday 24 May 2012

My website here is a link to my website. I have all of last module up but I have not updated it with this modules work yet. When I do it will look much more full and as I have bought the space I can put as many projects as I like.\