Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The tutorial we had today i didn't find very helpful and the reason for this is that i didn't have a website or a business card, all i had was a pdf of my work so far which was good for people to see but on the post it notes people just left positive feedback saying my branding and identity is good where I was really after some critical feedback to improve on which i never got. So that was a shame, However when we got in groups of 5 it was good because they gave me tips on how to make a cargo website and this is what I'm working on now and it looks really good so far. Also it made me a little happier because I found out not many people had started their briefs yet but this is ok because I am concentrating on my self promotion and even though it takes a long time, it is defiantly coming along now and when it is done and i am happy with it I can keep adding new projects to it and this will be really helpful as this is what i can send out.

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